gmusicbrowser : A customizable open-source jukebox for large collections.by Quentin Sculo (squentin@free.fr)
- perl
- gtk+2 and its perl bindings (gtk3 version is in beta)
- gstreamer or mpv / mplayer or mpg321/ogg123/flac123/amixer
- (optional) the Net::DBus module is needed to control gmusicbrowser through DBus or to use the included gnome multimedia keys plugin (for gnome >= 2.18)
main features
- made with big (> 10,000 songs) libraries in mind (currently developed with over 32,000 songs)
- customizable window layouts (see layouts documentation)
- artist/album lock : easily restrict playlist to current artist/album
- easy access to songs related to the currently playing song
- songs from the same album
- album(s) from the same artist(s)
- songs with same title (other versions, covers, ...)
- support ogg vorbis, mp3 and flac files (and opus/mpc/ape/m4a with gstreamer, mplayer or mpv)
- simple mass-tagging and mass-renaming
- tray icon, with a very customizable tip window, which can be used to control the player
- very customizable SongTree widget for a pretty list of songs (example)
- support multiple genres for a song
- support multiple artists for each song by separating them with ', ' or ' & '
- customizable labels can be set for each song (ex : bootleg, live, -'s favorites, ...)
- powerful search (nested conditions, can search any field using regular expression or fuzzy search)
- customizable weighted random mode (based on rating, last time played, label, ...)
- browse through pictures and pdf in the album's folder
- custom fields
- The possibility to act as a icecast server, to listen to your music remotely (very experimental)
- plugin system, included plugins :
- nowplaying (to update an external program when the playing song changes)
- last.fm
- find pictures
- simple lyrics
- artist or album info
- customizable desktop widgets
Plans :
- read-only support for other formats, including videos (in git, only the audio part of videos can be played currently)
- add options to read/write custom fields from/to tags
- redesign the weighted random configuration to make it more customizable, support all the fields, and maybe clearer
- handling of static playlists could be improved
- improve the SongTree widget
- support wma file format
- better alternative layouts and more layouts widgets
- translations (see this page for the translation status, contact me if you are interested in translating to other languages)
- better command system
- web-radios
- skinned layouts (partly done, but still experimental)
- lots and lots of small things ...
Feel free to mail me (in english or french) any comments/suggestions/bugs (please include "gmusicbrowser" or "gmb" in the subject), post them in the forums.
You can also donate :
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Or use these affiliate links when shopping at amazon (to buy music or anything else) :
Amazon US store
Amazon French store
If you would rather send me money by bank transfer, you can ask me my IBAN by email.
Keep your music free, don't buy DRM'ed music.