gmusicbrowser - icons
Oxygen icon pack by zeltak :

To use it unpack it in ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/icons/ or in /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/pix/
Note that currently the rating icons (stars*png) are not themable, so you'll have to replace the files in /usr/share/gmusicbrowser/pix/ to change them.
Alternative logo by Piotr :

Icon pack by Piotr : on

gmusicbrowser - contributed layouts
If you've made a custom layout and would like to share it, send it to me with a screenshot (and specify if you want your name and/or email displayed), I'll add them to this page.
To use them, put the .layout file in ~/.config/gmusicbrowser/layouts/ and select it as "Player window layout" in the Layouts tab of the settings dialog.
Layout by Brice Bourgoin (brice.bourgoin AT
This layout is made to listen to whole albums.

layout (in french) layout (in english)
Layout by Garraxi Irratia, free FM radio station from Altsasu, Navarra, Basque Country.
Garraxi 800x600 layout: for computers with little display and resolution of 800x600, so they can't have the bigs windows of the others layouts. This layout fits well in this display, and have some filters (search box and folders by default), a filtered song list, and a queue window. It is a derivative of the "with browser and queue" layout.

layout (in spanish) layout (in english)
Layout "Tabbed Playlist" by vlad :

"Clean" Tray tip layout by vlad :

Layout "Xubuntix" by Stefan Schwarzburg :

Layout "simple with big cover" by Piotr, using the gtk theme Neutronium-Gtk2 :

Layout "simple with big cover modified" by Jucgshu :

Layout by astier : Tabbed_All2
and the SongTree version : Tabbed_All-SongTree2
screenshots :

Layout by maryan : itunesplus
Sadly the progress slider can't be clicked. It will be possible in the next version, with a FB (FixedBox).

Widescreen layout by zeltak : Z_Ice_V05

with a fullscreen layout : Z55_fullscreen

which use this background, it must be placed in the same folder as the .layout file
layout by wombalton : wombalton
Screenshot with zeltak's iconpack and the Neutronium GTK-Theme :

2nd layout by wombalton wombalton_2panes.layout

2 layouts by Nikola : gericom and gericom-simplified

a layout inspired by amarok 2, by goodhuntin : amarok2-like

2 layouts by AlexC : base and base-compact

2 layouts for gmusicbrowser 1.1.x by Piotr :
simple-big-covers and sonata-like layouts

itunes++ layout (based on itunes+ above) by Andreas :
itunes++ layout